Fiona Benton

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Executive Manager Health & Research

Fiona Benton is the Executive Manager Health & Research, responsible for Health Services (encompassing research, service development and delivery). A key aspect of the role is the management of the National Diabetes Services Scheme Agreement.

Fiona’s career commenced as a Registered Nurse at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne. She then went on to qualify as a Registered Midwife, working at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney. It was here that Fiona developed an interest in gestational diabetes, with the realisation of how critical careful management and education is for the health of mother and baby. Further study was undertaken at Flinders University (GradCert Primary Health Care Diabetes Management and Education) in 2010, which culminated in credentialling as a Diabetes Educator.

Working at Diabetes SA has provided an opportunity to follow a passion for a philosophy of care that is person-centred. Engaging people in their own health care, involving people in their decision making, and helping people to understand and manage their life with diabetes to achieve their health goals underpins the aim of improving the health and wellbeing for people living with diabetes as well as those at risk.

Fiona enjoys spending time with family and friends, particularly walks on the beach and pottering in the garden. Inspiration comes from the many people that cross her path on a daily basis, and her hope is that one day there will be a cure for diabetes.