Diabetes SA Resources

We offer a large range of resources designed to inform and educate people about diabetes.

These resources are available to be downloaded as required. 

Annual Cycle of Care – getting the most from your doctors’ appointment

It is vital that you plan before your doctor's appointment, and ensure you ask questions during your visit.

This resource has been taken from the 'Goals of diabetes management' resource and also covers a list of health care professionals, their role and how they can help. Read more...

Download: Annual Cycle of Care – getting the most from your doctors’ appointment

Travel planning tips

Travelling to far off destinations, experiencing new climates and new foods and possibly crossing different time zones may seem overwhelming if you are living with diabetes. However, careful planning can help your trip go smoothly. There are a number of important things to consider before you go, including your diabetes management, what to pack, travel insurance and any special requirements for flying.

Download: Travel and Diabetes Travel Planning Tips

Diabetes & medications

Management of diabetes usually involves a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise and medication.

This booklet provides information about different classes of medication for diabetes, how they work and what the potential side effects are. Read more...

Download: Diabetes and Medications

Diabetes & medication – A guide to assist you in managing diabetes

This resource has been developed to provide additional information about where each of the diabetes medications work.

Download: Diabetes and Medication – A guide to assist you in managing your diabetes

Emergency poster

This poster outlines hypoglycaemia symptoms and management. It may be used as an educational tool for people with diabetes and their families or an awareness tool to help inform community members.

Suitable for display in a range of settings including the workplace, hospitals, exercise centres, community health centres or clinics.

Download: Emergency poster

Diabetes in the workplace

This workplace information pack provides information to ensure a safe and supportive working environment for people with diabetes. These resources are currently under a review.

AusDrisk tool

This tool assists to determine an individuals risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It also provides information regarding type 2 diabetes – what it is, how it is diagnosed and where to obtain advice and further information.

Download: AusDrisk tool

Diabetes: Know Your Type

This brochure aims to increase the awareness and greater understanding of diabetes and its different types. It also includes information about 3 biggest myths about diabetes.

Download: Diabetes: Know Your Type

Diabetes: Fitting in with your life

A guide about all things diabetes for young adults living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and their family and friends, aiming to help young people and their families with transitioning from youth to adulthood.

Topics covered in the resource include: back to basics of diabetes, food glorious food, moving out of home, diabetes in the workplace, partying, staying well with diabetes, and preventing complications. This resource was developed with a number of young adults providing their input and stories.

Download: Diabetes: Fitting in with your life

Carbohydrate serves

Some people with diabetes will count carbohydrates in serves (also known as exchanges). This skill can help to achieve a consistent intake of carbohydrate across the day, control portion sizes or match insulin to food intake.

The amount of carbohydrate required during the day depends on a person’s weight, age, sex and activity level. Diabetes SA have developed resources that may be useful to help you count carbohydrates.

Download: Carbohydrate serves

Balanced meals – healthy meal ideas

Healthy eating for someone with diabetes is simply healthy eating for everyone.

This booklet explains what a balanced meal looks like and provides tips on how to add more flavour to your food and drinks. Read more...

Download: Balanced meals

Healthy lunch tips

There never seems to be enough time in the morning before work, so why not try some of these quick and tasty ideas when you're preparing your lunch next.

This resource provides some snack ideas, the main event lunch ideas and tips on lunchbox food safety.

Download: Healthy lunch tips

Perfect lunchbox formula

Including a nutritionally balanced lunch can help to give you the energy to get through the day. How do you make a nutritionally balanced lunch? Diabetes SA has created a simple guide on how this can be done. Read more...

Download: Perfect lunchbox formula

Salad and sandwich builder

Salads make a wonderful lunch, side dish or dinner option, and this flyer will inspire you to make tasty and healthy salads at home.

If you are looking for some useful ideas for how to create quick, fresh and tasty sandwiches from a scratch, simply download this resource.

Download: Salad and sandwich builder

Healthy entertaining guide

A resource for making healthier food choices when entertaining. When organising the catering for your next event, why not delight your guests with healthy platter options. Read more...

Download: Healthy entertaining guide

Meal planner and shopping list

This resource will help you stay organised and plan your meals in advance for each day of the week.

Download: Meal planner and shopping list

How can you be more health smart?

This resource contains simple tips and ideas to help you be more health smart and reduce your added sugar intake. Also provided is information about how much sugar is in some foods and drinks.

Download: How can you be more health smart?

Blood glucose management & monitoring

The following flyers cover information for clients using a reusable insulin pen device or insulin pump, and for clients using sharps.

Download: Safe sharps disposal

Download: What’s your insulin pen back up plan

Download: What’s your insulin pump back up plan

Positive moves

Endocrinology services in South Australia

This resource provides an overview of private and public endocrinology services, list of private endocrinologists, their consulting days/times and frequency of country visits.

Download: Endocrinology services SA  

Our resources are currently available to download only.

Please note we have temporarily suspended the posting of resources.


Life after COVID-19

As the COVID-19 restrictions ease and we all move to the "new normal", many people living with diabetes are finding it difficult to process what all the changes mean to them.

This booklet has been developed to help you get back on track after COVID-19.