
Media release – 1 November 2021

Diabetes SA launches third round of diabetes research funding – set to benefit all South Australians living with or at risk of diabetes.

Diabetes SA through the generous support of its members and the community of South Australia are very excited to announce the third round of research funding.

In 2018, the Association launched the inaugural Diabetes SA Research Grants Program and awarded $270,750 to six researchers in South Australia and in 2020 awarded $300,000 to three researchers in South Australia.

In 2022, Diabetes SA is pleased to offer two $100,000 grants (GST exclusive) to continue our commitment to funding external researchers.

Applications are invited from appropriately qualified health professionals and researchers aligned to an institution.

Grant funded projects must have a focus on one of the priority areas of diabetes detection, diabetes prevention or diabetes management with projects ideally addressing one of the following:

  • Coordination and integration of diabetes care across health services and settings.
  • Reducing health inequities and increasing equitable access with a focus on priority groups (ie: culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with a disability, or from rural and remote regions of South Australia.
  • Innovative and novel treatments which maybe biomedical, clinical or technology driven. Applications open 1 November and close at 5pm on 17 December 2021.

The key outcomes of this research will be to provide better outcomes to people at risk or living with diabetes.

Learn more about the Diabetes SA Research Grants Program.

Diabetes SA is a not for profit, member-based Association that is largely self-funded, our mission is to educate, advocate, support and fund research that provides better outcomes for people at risk or living with diabetes.

Empowering people to live well with diabetes and raising awareness for those at risk is our vision for all South Australians living with or at risk of diabetes.

Media: For further information, please contact Sabine Kloss, Brand & Philanthropy Manager 0499 223 357 / [email protected].

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