Sign In


Do we have your email address? If so:

  • Verify your user identity by submitting a 'Forgot Username?' request using the link on the left (you will receive an email).
  • After activating your account, go back to 'Sign in' and set your password by submitting a 'Forgot Password?' request using the link on the left (you will receive an email with instructions).
  • Lastly, you can 'Sign in' and on the top screen you will see 'My Account', which links to your member's profile.

If you're not sure if we have your email address, or if the sign in process doesn't work for you, please email us on [email protected] or call our Support Line 1300 198 204 and we will assist you with your member profile.


  • If you are not a member of Diabetes SA, please use the 'Create a new account' link to setup your profile today.