Laura Keen

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Accredited Practising Dietitian

Laura is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) and her role involves conducting  one-on-one consultations and delivering a range of group education programs such as the DESMOND and SMART programs, country seminars, as well as Supermarket and Central Market Tours. Laura enjoys getting to dive deeper into all things diabetes. She is passionate about making a difference to our community by empowering individuals and families to take the driver’s seat in managing their condition. Laura prefers a weight-neutral approach to nutrition care.

Laura holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and has a variety of experience working locally and overseas in adult inpatient and outpatients, NDIS, chronic disease management and paediatrics. Before joining Diabetes SA, she has been working in a paediatric hospital in England working with infants and children, helping them with a wide variety of conditions, which was a great source of pride and joy for her.

In her spare time, Laura likes tending to her herb garden, cooking, going on long walks, exploring new areas and travelling.