Food and Exercise as Medicine

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National Diabetes Week Seminar 2014

Food & Exercise as Medicine – Type 1 diabetes session

Chris Cashman, Accredited Practising Dietitian Grains Legume Nutrition Council in Sydney

Chris explores the benefits of incorporating grains and legumes into your diet and how these foods may influence your blood glucose levels.

Dr Parind Vora, Endocrinologist

The benefits of regular physical activity are well researched. Parind discusses important considerations for type 1 diabetes and exercise.

Food & Exercise as Medicine – Type 2 diabetes session

Claire Neylon, Exercise Physiologist University of South Australia

This session investigates the impact of exercise on blood glucose levels and how to incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.

Chris Cashman, Accredited Practising Dietitian Grains Legume Nutrition Council in Sydney

Chris explores the benefits of incorporating grains and legumes into your diet and how these foods may influence your blood glucose levels.


Saturday 19 July 2014




Education Development Centre, 4 Milner Street, Hindmarsh.

The National Diabetes Services Scheme is an initiative of the Australian Government administered by Diabetes Australia.

The NDSS agent in South Australia is Diabetes SA. 

Find out more about the NDSS at or call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700