
Inspire your community’s passion for changing lives.

Fundraise for us!

Organising a community fundraiser is an enjoyable and rewarding way to raise money for a worthwhile cause.

It brings your friends, family and community together.

And it’s a great way to show your support for friends or loved ones affected by diabetes.

If you feel it’s time to get involved, then it’s time to get creative.

Put on your thinking cap or get together with friends to come up with your own unique plan to organise a great community fundraiser.

First please take the time to read over our Community Fundraising Guide before putting forward your proposal.

And if you require further assistance please contact our fundraising team on 1300 198 204 or email [email protected]

Please allow up to two weeks for applications to be reviewed. Approval will be subject to review of any artwork or other elements that may need further review.

PDF: Community Fundraising Guide & Community Fundraising Proposal Form

You’re a life changer!