Gifts in Wills

The gift of a lifetime.

A lasting legacy for all living with diabetes.

Gifts in Wills have always been essential to the future of our organisation and in turn the wellbeing of those living with diabetes.

By remembering Diabetes SA in your Will, your gift will go on helping people for many years to come.

How to remember Diabetes SA in your Will

By including Diabetes SA in your Will, you enable us to continue providing support, education and information services for people living with, affected by, or at risk of developing diabetes.

There are many ways of including a gift, or bequest, in your Will. The three main types of bequests are:

A general bequest is usually a specified sum of money or a percentage of the value of your estate. Nominating a percentage allows your gift to grow as your estate matures.

A specific bequest is a gift other than money – such as property, artworks, jewellery and so on.

A residual bequest is what remains of your estate after the specific and general bequests have been distributed.

In addition the Association has established the Diabetes SA Endowment Fund and the Diabetes SA Research Fund and offers you the opportunity to bequest to these funds directly.

The Endowment Fund provides you with the opportunity to gift a specific amount of money or the residue of an estate into a fund which generates earnings to be put toward areas of need within the Association such as the development of new programs and initiatives.

The Research Fund provides you with the opportunity to gift a specific amount of money or the reside of an estate into a fund which generates earnings to be put toward the funding of research in the areas of prevention, detection, management of diabetes and the identification delivery and performance of services for people with diabetes.

If you have a complicated estate or wish to specify how your gift is used please contact us.

Wording for your Will

Wills can be complex and we cannot provide you with legal advice. So please make sure you obtain your own independent advice.

Here are some examples of wording you might like to consider when you are preparing or amending your Will.

Recommended wording for a Gift of Money

‘I give……….dollars ($) to Diabetes SA for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of such amount by its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.’

Recommended wording for a Specific Gift

‘I give my (insert description of property) to Diabetes SA for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of such amount by its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.’

Recommended wording for a Residual Gift

‘I give……….percent (%) of the residue of my Estate to Diabetes SA for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of such amount by its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.’

Recommended wording for the Diabetes SA Endowment Fund

'I give the sum of $……… dollars or (……%) of the residue of my Estate to The Diabetic Association of SA Inc to be invested in the Diabetes SA Endowment Fund and I declare that the receipt of such a share of the residue amount by its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.’

Recommended wording for the Diabetes SA Research Fund

`I give the sum of $..........dollars .or (…%) of the residue of my Estate to The Diabetic Association of SA Inc. I express the wish that the gift be invested in the Diabetes SA Research Fund. I declare the receipt of such a share of the residue amount by its Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.’

Notification of your gift

If you have decided to include Diabetes SA in your Will, we would really appreciate you letting us know as this information can support the future planning and development of programs and services.

Angela is the Bequest Officer at Diabetes SA, a role that highlights the importance of a Gift in a Will to Diabetes SA.  She is passionate about life-long learning, giving back to the community and meeting people. 

Angela can provide the information necessary for preparation or update of a persons Will, and in particular where to seek relevant, professional legal advice.

Please call Diabetes SA on 1300 198 204 or email [email protected]