In Celebration

Turn a celebration into a gift that goes on giving.

Do you have a special occasion coming up?

Instead of gifts to celebrate the occasion, invite your guests to give the gift of a donation.

It’s a special way to support Diabetes SA and all who live with diabetes.

Celebrations are a perfect time to think of those in need.

You can support Diabetes SA and those living with diabetes by requesting donations instead of gifts for your birthday, wedding, anniversary, Christmas or any special occasion.

It’s such a positive way of celebrating that can bring people together while supporting a cause close to your heart.

Simply invite your friends and family to make a donation to Diabetes SA with a ‘Gift in Celebration’.

We’ll provide a tax-deductible receipt and thank you letter to everyone who makes a donation to mark your special occasion. We’ll also notify you by mail of those who donated and the total amount you have helped to raise.

(The individual amounts of each gift won’t be shared unless requested by the gift giver.)

To donate a gift in celebration, simply email [email protected] for further information.