Workplace Giving

Giving at work.

An effortless way to give ongoing support.

Workplace Giving allows staff to make regular donations to Diabetes SA directly from their pre-tax salary and reduces the amount of income tax deducted from their pay.

In South Australia many businesses operate a Workplace Giving program, which brings a strong sense of community connection into the workplace, provides financial benefits for employees and gives ongoing support to people living with diabetes.

Workplace Giving has a number of benefits to you as employers.

It’s an easy and effective way to build your business reputation and profile – and to be recognised as a good corporate citizen.

It’s a great way to live your company values, to build staff morale and create a sense of unity and purpose within your organisation.

Workplace Giving is a low cost and easily administered program implemented through existing payroll systems.

If you’re a staff member or employer and would like to find out how to set up a Workplace Giving program in your organisation, please contact our fundraising team on 1300 198 204 or email [email protected]