Honorary Membership

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Honorary membership is bestowed as an honour to an individual or an organisation who has distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of the Association’s vision, mission and values over a number of years.

Unlike life membership, honorary membership is expected to be bestowed on individuals and organisations that distinguish themselves apart from others in the service they have provided to the Association For any of the relevant criteria the nominee should have demonstrated meritorious service in the furtherance of the Association’s vision, mission and values.

  1. Individual or organisation must have made a significant contribution to the Association through services rendered. (8-10 years plus)
  2. Individual or organisation must have made a significant contribution to the diabetes sector at a state or national level. (8-10 years plus)
  3. The individual must have demonstrated significant contribution through employment or volunteer efforts over an extended period of time to the professional development or administration of the sector.
  4. The organisation must have demonstrated their leadership and be recognised in the sector having an impact at the state or national level.

Any two or more financial members of the Association may submit a nomination for an individual or organisation to be considered as an honorary member. Each year the Association shall publish a written request to call for members to submit nominations. Honorary membership cannot be nominated or supported by an immediate family member.

The person nominating a potential nominee should complete the Honorary Membership – Nomination Form  submitting this to the CEO. Forms must be received by the end of April to allow sufficient time for review.

Successful nominees are announced at the Annual General Meeting and provided with an engraved plaque in recognition.
