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Life after COVID-19

A guide to help you get back on track after COVID-19

As the COVID-19 restrictions ease and we all move to the "new normal", many people living with diabetes are finding it difficult to process what all the changes mean to them.

The Diabetes SA health services team have pooled their wealth of knowledge in the field of diabetes care and management to present a booklet with the most common areas of concern. Please take the time to review this, and if there is anything we have missed, just reach out to us for assistance.

Download: Life after COVID-19 Guide

Life after COVID-19

This booklet covers the following topics:

  • Are people living with diabetes at risk of COVID-19?
  • Lifestyle management after COVID-19
  • Getting back to your GP and health care professionals
  • Getting out and about again
  • Making the transition back to normal
  • Returning to work
  • Returning to school
  • Review your sick day management plan
  • Staying connected and ensuring mental health support.