Plan for a Perfect Lunch Box

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Perfect lunchbox formula

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In your lunch box try to have all the five food groups covered

For a fresh and healthy lunch box choose foods from the five food groups to give you all the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

Vegetables – for lots of fibre

Salad in sandwich, wrap or pita, tossed salad, chopped veggie sticks with dip. Lots of raw, cooked or canned vegetables of different colours and textures. Vegetables contain different vitamins, minerals and wholesome fibre which help fill you up.

Wholegrain carbohydrate – for energy

Wholegrain bread, wrap, air popped popcorn, pita, crackers, pikelet, rice cakes, pasta, cous cous.

Different grain based foods that are wholegrain, high fibre and low in salt will help fill you up for longer. Try including bread slices, a bread roll, wraps, fruit bread, rice paper rolls, rice cakes, crackers, popcorn, pasta, couscous or some quinoa.

Protein – for growth

Lean beef, lamb, fish, chicken, turkey, legumes/ beans, tofu, eggs.

Lean protein options include: chicken, turkey, boiled egg, tinned tuna, sardines or salmon (in spring water or olive oil).

Meat alternatives like tofu, kidney beans, chickpeas or lentils are high in protein and low in fat, so are a healthy choice.

Dairy – for strong bones and teeth

Reduced fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, custard. Dairy foods help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Fruit – for a healthy body

Whole piece, small container of fruit salad, small tub of fruit in natural juice, dried fruit. Try some sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds – they are a good source of fibre, protein and vitamins.

Water – for hydration

Water quenches your thirst. In hot weather, include a frozen water bottle to drink and keep your food cool. Tap water is the best choice. Try adding fruit or vegetable slides to your water for extra flavour.


Download: Plan for a perfect Lunch Box

Healthy lunch tips

There never seems to be enough time in the morning before work, so why not try some of these quick and tasty ideas when you're preparing your lunch next.

The ‘Healthy Lunch Tips’ resource provides some snack ideas, the main event lunch ideas and tips on lunchbox food safety.

Download: Healthy lunch tips

Salad and sandwich builder

Download: Salad and sandwich builder